Nameless Dreams: Endless Nightmares
A downloadable game for Windows and Linux
You are trapped in a nightmarish dream. Maybe the only way to escape is to sleep... ? or maybe there is another way to escape... ?
This game is heavily inspired by Voltz game :))). After making countless unfinished project finally, I managed to finish REAL game in 100%. I made it in around 3 months:)).
Game feature 2 endings!
- Movement: wsda
- Interaction: E / RMB
Jesteś uwięziony w koszmarze. Może jedynym sposobem na ucieczkę jest zaśnięcie... ? a może istnieje inny sposób na ucieczkę... ?
Ta gra jest mocno zainspirowana grą Voltz'a :))). Po stworzeniu wielu niezakończonych projektów, wreszcie udało mi się ukończyć PRAWDZIWĄ grę w 100%. Zajęło mi to około 3 miesięce :)).
Gra posiada 2 zakończenia!
- Ruch: wsda
- Interakcja: E / PPM
Ты застрял в кошмарном сне. Возможно, единственный способ выбраться это – заснуть... ? или, может быть, есть другой способ выбраться... ?
Эта игра сильно вдохновлена игрой Voltz :))). После множества незаконченных проектов, наконец-то, мне удалось завершить настоящую игру на 100%. Я сделал её примерно за 3 месяца :)).
В игре 2 концовки!
- Движение: wsda
- Взаимодействие: E / Правая кнопка мыши
Click download now to get access to the following files:
Development log
- v1.1.1 ˢᵐᵃˡˡ ᵘᵖᵈᵃᵗᵉ !!!Nov 11, 2024
- v1.1 UPDATE!!!Nov 09, 2024
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Plays really well for such an old feeling game. I could see this easily being regarded as a cult classic had it released around the 2010s.
Top notch presentation with a complex gameplay and nuanced mistakes, which definitely need to be fixed.
The game presents itself with a unique idea of "Lucid Dreaming" and how we perceive our dreams. I really liked the overall atmosphere and sound design in this, very eerie, truly dream like. Sadly, I was not fond of the gameplay and how the story presented itself with the addition of game breaking bugs that I faced. Going around the room and waiting for the trigger to appear felt a bit frustrating and some jump scares were a bit late - meaning, the sound came first and then the image. For me, personally, the "chair issue" just took me off the game and I decided not to record the game or showcase it, because I don't spread my frustration over the game on the channel. So, please for the next time fix the chair issue, because when I sat in the chair it said "You Fool" and then I had to restart, but the note was not going anywhere and the beds didn't appear.
Overall, like I said, the game has a distinct visual style and presentation, but those things mentioned about need to be fixed. Good luck with the project.
Edit: Forgot to mention - the text boxes sometimes don't work, I had to click multiple times to make them go away or change to the next box, so, pay attention to that as well. And maybe place the key in the forest somewhere the player would look, not behind the sign, which has another collision so the player (like me) gets confused about what to do and may not notice it.
Woah, thank you for feedback and honest review!!!